Legalize Perceived Age


There are actually so many new and wonderful changes and improvements in your lives that always, it’s mind-boggling. For example, Amazon besides delivers the most affordable item morning (with prime) and not just emails you when delivered, but supplies a photo from the package at the front door. You gotta like it!

Unfortunately, not all things are “comin’ up roses” in all of the areas of life.

In many different ways, our culture has declined enough where nearly all things are considered acceptable and quite often, desirable. Some things that exist today could not have already been imagined a short while ago. Here are just some examples, a lot more significant as opposed to runners:

*Surgical gender change is nice.

*Infanticide at birth is okay.

*It’s chic to put on jeans with holes included.

*Cleavage and behinds are an increasing number of revealing.

* Inappropriate language is normal and acceptable and utilized by all.

*Civility is surely an archaic relic through the past.

*Tribal group-think provides multiple advances over individual thought and good sense.

*Drug-induced altered states of consciousness are routine and desirable.

One may agree or disagree by or all in the above – it matters not. The changes exist and therefore are accepted largely without judgment. I cite the alterations to make a point, as well as the point are these claims:

In spite with all the different cultural and sometimes revolutionary changes, there is surely an outdated norm that continues to be untouched and is particularly just as trustworthy as ever: Acceptance that “later years” ALWAYS equals decline.

It is often NOT accepted or considered that as people age, they CAN AND OFTEN DO CHANGE AND GROW IN NEW, YOUTHFUL WAYS that defy decline. But let’s not get crazy here; decline is profitable and props up and fuels the original old age leisure culture. In a perverse way, cultural decline of old people is surely an economic “benefit”.

Same Old Story

It’s the usual story about senior years. At age 80-90 a female is pretty much a leper. For many, especially women, it’s actually a horrible box to stay in. Young people abhor later years and avoid or ignore old people. In general, old folks are made fun of, often alone. Old women are “cute” and persuaded to happens to “retirement” communities to experience while they decay. Age 90 is usually a sure bet you might be senile ( even without evidence), and younger people automatically treat you as if you might be less than competent. Yuk – it’s disgusting. One might be incompetent at 90 but one are often incompetent at a younger age containing not been identified as “old”.

In relationships, “she should be younger than he” would be the inflexible determinant for a lady to be with a male. Old women in great condition are wrinkled and as a consequence unappealing while bearded, wrinkled, sick old men having a belly hanging over their belt are distinguished and acceptable.

Mentally and physically, women often last longer than men. A 70-year-old woman is usually still in their prime while a 70-year-old-man has experienced open heart surgery, has prostate problems, diabetes, and it has trouble walking. But which doesn’t matter to your mentally and/or physically compromised some player looking to get a new love – he wants a significantly younger woman because this is the way it is usually been. He feels entitled. In his head, he still believes he’s an appealing stud even though impotent.

He imagines he’s still started using it going on, and obtaining a viable younger woman validates his fantasy of his youth. Looking not as far as time goes on, he’s aware a younger woman potentially creates a better caretaker than an old woman. The sad thing is, if he’s money his decline often doesn’t matter to your younger (or older) woman and in reality, could possibly be an attraction.

The Common Sense Solution

My option is simple: Legalize perceived age. Be whatever legal age you say you’re and can mentally and physically live it. Please don’t figure out there are lots of legal hurdles and loopholes to jump through to make it work. Look, if men can get his penis and related organs chopped to become women, anything is achievable. For whatever reason, we do not want to affect the system. We wish to continue to pretend an addled some player with just half a brain can be an attractive and acceptable partner for just a vital younger or same age woman.

Does the unfairness concern you, too? Let me know when you happen to be ready to help alter the system. Let me know when you’re ready to battle to function as the person inside you screaming for legal freedom to function as the age you wish to be. No surgical treatment is necessary. Just fired-up guts and determination to combat and win the battle. Imagine if that occurs: Men will scurry like rats (with no success) in order to keep remaining (if any) youthful attributes once they can. That’s what women do today and they are doing great job. The competition might just obliterate “final years” fairness issues and level the field of “them versus us” in daily life and love.

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