Main Things You Need to Know About Atrial Fibrillation
Artiriall fibrillation (AFib) is a heart disorder whether abnormal heart rhythm. In this condition, electrical signals comes from different parts of the heart. The electric signals are usually rapid and irregular and therefore cause AFib. Multiple things predispose a person to arterial fibrillation. The first factor is age; the older you become, the higher the chance of getting AFib. Diabetes, obesity, caffeine, hyperlipidemia, and chronic renal disease are other conditions that can expose you to the condition.
There are different kinds of AFib. They all have the same signs and symptoms but only differ in the root cause of the situation. The first kind is called the paroxysmal fibrillation which comes and goes away without any treatment. Persistent AFib, on the other hand, is AFib that last for more than one week and require treatment to bring the heart into its normal state. Long-standing AFib affects a person for not less than one year. Permant AFib is another types. This AFib has lasted for a long time and nothing can be done to restore the normal rhythm of the heart.
It is dangerous when you have arterial fibrillation. People who live with AFib should know that they are at a high risk of getting stroke. A person who has AFib condition is 3-5 time possible to get a stroke when compared a person who does not have the disease. The irregular beating of the beating may cause a clot at the atrial. You shall immediately get a stroke when a clot travel from the arteria to the brain. Heart failure is another risk of AFib. People who live with AFib must always know the signs of stroke. A face drop, arm weakness, or speech difficulty are the significant sign. Dial 911 as soon you realize these signs because stroke is treatable if caught early.
A patient experience different AFib symptoms. The first sign is heart palpitation. It is necessary to be aware that there are some patient who does not experience a racing heart. A patient beside experience shortness of breath, weakness, sweating, confusion, faint, and dizziness. The leading cause of all these symptoms a racing heartbeat. If you experience any of these symptoms, you should medical care immediately at the hospital the doctor will examine you. Electrocardiogram is used to test the electrical activities in the heart. The result of the electrocardiogram are used to then diagnose AFib. The doctor may also recommend other tests such as x-ray, echocardiogram or blood test. All test are done to determine whether there is an underlying condition.
There are a couple of ways of treating atrial fibrillation. The first method is medication where a patient is given drugs that slow down the heart rate. An operation is done to the patient in order to disrupt the electrical pathway. Other methods used to treat this condition includes peacemaker implantation, radiofrequency, and electrical cardioversion.